Friday, June 1, 2007

Hello "regular" life, so long regular blogging...

From the delay between posts, you've probablly guessed that real life has taken over. The combination of jet lag and an ear infection left us pretty exhausted for a few days. Lilia's feeling much better now and is in constant motion, exploring her new surroundings. Ryan's very proud to be a big brother and assured his classmates and teacher that although "she looks like a boy now, we just have to give it time and her hair will grow out."

As you can see below, we're introducing Lilia to a high fiber diet. (You should see the full diapers it produces.)

Lilia's figured out a way to bathe herself anytime, anyplace.

With the super sunny weather we've been enjoying, we let Lilia use her new playpen while Ryan mowed the lawn with a pair of scissors and a grocery bag. We're a high tech family.

Since many of you will be meeting Lilia in the coming weeks, and since the ins and outs of diaper changes and feeding times don't make for compelling reading, we'll only be using the blog to post the occasional updates. Thank you all for joining us on our journey to add this wonderful little girl to our family. With your emails and messages, we never felt that far away.
Jeanne, James, Ryan and Lilia