Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Gotcha Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a difference a day makes! We filed into a waiting room at the Civil Affairs Bureau at 2:30 p.m. and about fiften minutes later they called our babies' names out one by one. When Lilia arrived, she fussed for minute and then went into wide-eyed "what's going on here?" mode. The orphanage staff said she was sick with a small fever and that we should get her to a doctor as soon as we could. We took her to the physician at the White Swan who diagnosed mild bronchitis. She seems a little congested, but otherwise healthy and well-cared for.
We've spent much of the past day just cuddling, playing and trying to get her to eat. Yesterday, she was very quiet. Today, she just wants to be held chest-to-chest. Anything else will set her off crying. It's clear she's confused and needs lots of comforting. We're marching to her tune and enjoying our very cuddly baby!
Ryan is completely in love and eager to comfort and coo to her at every opportunity. He's probably told us a dozen times since we got her how happy is is to be a big brother. We'll see how long the honeymoon continues. ;->
Today we completed all of the official appointments for the adoption. She's officially ours! We'll pick up the decree tomorrow and then start on the passport applications.
Well, she just woke up from her nap, on my lap, of course. So I'll see if I can get her to take a bottle. James is out now buying a Chinese bottle in the hopes she'll like it better than our American ones. Cross your fingers.
Thanks for the good wishes in your comments and emails. We appreciate all the good tidings and can't wait to introduce you to our new daughter!


Dr. Joe said...

Your posting today brought tears to my eyes--tears of happiness, obviously! Again, CONGRATULATIONS!!! This time the "congratulations" can be regarded as the congratulations that really count to you and us all what with Lilia in your arms and finally YOURS. Oh yes ... WHOOPIE!!!


Dad and grandpa!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy. We can't wait to meet her.
Per, Anna, Kathryn & Sophia

Unknown said...


I have been thinking of you guys non-stop!!! I can't wait to meet Lilia. Enjoy the rest of your stay in China. Thanks for keeping a blog-great idea!

Flo Ryan said...

Dear Expanding Tjoa Family

I am so happy, thrilled, excited for all of you. The pictures are great! Ryan will make a wonderful big brother. So glad Lilia likes to cuddle. Continued wonderful journey and safe travels. Can't wait to see all of you. Love you all so much.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy and excited for you guys! I can't wait to introduce Aislyn and Claren to their newest cousin.


Rebecca said...

Your posting truly brought tears to my eyes. Your family is now complete. It's been a long wait, but it was obviously worth it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am soooo happy for you! I cannot wait to meet Lilia! Yay!! And she likes to cuddle! So sweet...

-Auntie Elizabeth