Sunday, May 13, 2007

Running through Beijing

Our local guide is good at cramming as much stuff as possible into our itinerary. We're with two other adopting families now and I think the goals are to gain an appreciation for our daughters' birth country and to keep busy enough to avoid counting down the hours till we see their little faces.

We visited Tiananmen Square (crowded), the Forbidden City (crowded), the Beijing night market (crowded), the Great Wall (crowded) and various outlets for jade, tea, and artwork. James and I also saw "Arachnoid Man" III last night. They served caramel popcorn instead of the regular stuff at the theater. The movie started exactly on time, no previews.

We get Lilia in 32 hours.


Unknown said...

so like... hows the food?

Rebecca said...

Wow!! So far quite a trip! You guys are keeping very busy; they certainly don't let you "while away the time" before you meet the reason you flew to China.
Ryan is looking quite adorable. I bet he can't wait to meet his sister.

Anonymous said...

James - The food is great, though a little rich, so we feel very full by dinnertime.

Rebecca - You're so right, Ryan's bouncing with excitement and can't wait to hold her.