Saturday, May 19, 2007

Out and About

We haven't had any appointments for the past few days, so we've been relaxing and seeing a little of Guangzhou. Our guide took us through an open market yesterday. Lots of herbal and traditional remedies. Got rheumatism? Try some snake or scorpion wine. Virility issues? You'll need some dried sea horses.

The evening before, we strolled along the Pearl River. See below. It had rained heavily earlier, so we were able to catch a glimpse of blue sky before it clouded over and rained some more. James and I took turns piggy-backing Ryan as we jogged forty minutes back to the hotel. We were sticky head to toe by the time we returned. While the humidity is oppressive at times, for the most part it's an enjoyable change from the cool crisp weather back home. I love being able to walk around in the evening in short sleeves.

As for Lilia, she continues to surprise us. Just when we think we've got a handle on her personality, she shows us a new facet. Seen less often is the quiet, snuggly girl. In her place is a silly jester who doesn't seem to tire of bouncing and giggling. The orphanage staff had told us that she loves to laugh and doesn't like strangers. Now that we aren't strangers, she's turned into a giggle-monster who has us laughing at her antics. She and Ryan were in such hysterics for so long last night that I finally had to send him to David's room for a bit so she could get to sleep.


Dr. Joe said...

Wow! I sure hope that you center your next story or novel-writing on the joyous events of the past two weeks. You all look so happy and contented ... especially (and most important for the moment) the newest family member, Lilia.

This blog site is the very nicest in the entire blogosphere ... BY FAR !!!


Grandpa and Dad

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you all--and it's plain to see how happy you all are. We can't wait to see the newly expanded family when you all get back to rainy (yes, it poured here today) Seattle. And please give Ryan our belated happy birthday wishes. Keep the photos and travelogue coming, it's great!